The 2 Root Causes Of Disease

The 2 Root Causes Of Disease

A lot of wholistic healers have been saying this for years now. I just want to share it with you guys if you haven’t heard it. Don Tolman, who is known to cure people using natural food, said before that there is only one type of disease – CHAOS. He explained that when there is chaos in the molecular level of our bodies, then this manifests as disease (or as he puts it, your body goes into a state of dis-ease). And there are only 2 root causes of chaos, toxicity and deficiency.

Toxicity is defined as having something inside your body that is not supposed to be there. Deficiency on the other hand is when you need something to be there in your body but is lacking.

Now a lot of healers who teach this deal with it on a physical level. But as a pranic healer, let me give you two levels of toxicity and deficiency.


The first level of toxicity is physical toxicity. This means that your body is filled with toxins most probably from preservatives and other harmful chemicals found in our food. Another contributor to toxiciy is pollution. Maybe you work in an area that has dense pollution or in an area that has a waste disposal problem. Putting in toxins and being exposed to pollutants can make our bodies physically toxic thus can lead to disease.

The second level of toxicity is emotional and energetical toxicity. We all have energy bodies (aura) and we have to make sure that our energy body is clean as well. Having negative emotions like anger, hatred, bitterness, etc. can pollute your energy body.


There are also two levels of deficiency. The first one, physical deficiency, is when we don’t get enough nutrients in the body. Maybe you don’t take in enough raw fruits and vegetables. When you are lacking in those, your body lacks in nutrition that enables your organs to function properly.

The second level of deficiency is emotional and energetical deficiency. If you lack love in your life, then you may be deficient energetically. As Bro. Bo Sanchez stated in his book “Is Your Love Tank Empty?”, we all have a LOVE TANK that needs to be filled for us to also give out positive energies to the world.

How do you deal with toxicity and deficiency?

If you are toxic, then you need to detoxify. Physical detoxification can be done through exercising because when you exercise, you sweat. And when you sweat, your body is actually releasing toxins through your skin. Drinking lots of water will also help you detoxify your body through your urine. Proper breathing exercises also help detoxify your body.  You detoxify your energy body as well when you exercise. In Pranic Healing, there is also a cleansing technique that we do to clean the dirty energy body of a person.

If you are deficient, one way is to load up on fruits and vegetables. You get most of the nutrients that you need from a plant based diet. Energetically, you can fill up on your deficiency by meditating and filling up your body with divine energy. Surround yourself with people who are positive and could give you that loving energy that your body needs.


I know that there a lot of diseases nowadays, and some are rare and unexplainable. But the least we could do to our bodies is to make sure that it is well equipped to combat any CHAOS that it may occur in our bodies. Making sure that our bodies (physical and energetic) are in a balanced state can at least give it a fighting chance to fight any disease.

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  • elisa gurrobat

    Interested in attending a pranic healing session

    July 1, 2017 at 2:07 pm
    • Niko Bolante

      Hi Elisa! Send me an email at so I can give you details on how you can book an appointment 🙂

      July 6, 2017 at 4:44 am

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